Meeting Employee Needs

Strategies for keeping your most valuable employees.

Direct farm marketers know the value of a good employee. After all, retailing is about personal relationships. While it is true that higher salaries offered by other organizations may be a threat to your employee retention efforts, research shows that traditional pay programs are ineffective for motivating high-performing, committed employees.

Companies will lose their most valued employees if they fail to offer them the intangible intrinsic rewards that money cannot buy. In fact, studies have shown that what tends to stimulate and encourage top performance, growth and loyalty is praise and recognition.

Publisher: Penn State Extension


Employee Attraction and Selection Guide

Recruiting and retaining key personnel is the single largest concern of growing companies in the country. Is your farm one of those? Should agricultural managers be concerned about finding and keeping high quality employees? You bet.

Successful managers have learned that an ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure when it comes to dealing with employee problems. The risk of hiring a bad employee can be minimized with a sound recruitment and selection process. Recruiting and selecting the right employee for a position is important for the long-term benefit of your farm. This guide covers five steps agricultural managers can use to recruit and select the right employees for their businesses.

Authors: Sarah L. Fogleman, David Anderson, and Dean McCorkle.

Publisher: Penn State Extension