Course on agribusiness management for producers’ associations

The module has the following objectives:

  • To learn about market research* as a first step in business planning.
  • To understand different types of planning and how they are applied to producers’ associations.

The conceptual content of this module has been organized into two units:

Unit 1 – Market knowledge as a basis for planning where the importance of researching target markets prior to production decisions is explained.

Unit 2 – Planning: a key factor for competitiveness contains information, ideas and guidelines for using planning as an essential tool for market requirements.

In terms of methodology, the units have been organized in order to give you the opportunity to discover each unit’s specific course content. Each unit has been structured to help you to identify in advance what you already know and to enable you to combine your existing knowledge with the proposed course content to optimum effect. The aim is together to build your capacities by accumulating new knowledge in a pro-active and participative way.

In terms of assessment, we start from the principle that assessment is of most value when it is used to take decisions for improving the teaching/learning process. This involves three phases:

  • Initial assessment: this will enable facilitators or tutors to analyse and predict your real capacity for learning. At the same time, it will give you an idea of what each unit is about and what it aims to achieve in terms of increasing your selfmotivation, updating your existing knowledge and preconceptions, and planning your own learning process fully.
  • Formative assessment: this will enable facilitators to take decisions to improve the teaching/learning process (regulation) and will enable you to take decisions to improve your own learning process (self-regulation).
  • Summative assessment: this will enable you to link together the key ideas, to find out what progress you have achieved and to see where you stand as regards a new learning process.

Authors:  Pilar Santacoloma, Alexandra Röttger, and Florence Tartanac

Publisher: FAO

Year: 2009